Chris Harwood
Production Director / Interim Program DirectorChris Harwood grew up in Duluth, and as a high school student he was a volunteer announcer at The North 1033 (then known as KUMD). He received a BA in Music from Macalester College in 1993, and an MA in Musicology from Columbia University in 2004. Upon returning to Duluth in 2006, he resumed volunteering at the station, hosting Blues Alley until 2013. As a volunteer, he also created and continues to host Soul Village since it began in early 2009.
Now also employed as The North 1033’s ProductionDdirector and (acting)Program Director, Chris oversees the program schedule and coordinates volunteer and student announcers who contribute their talents to many of the great shows you hear. On the air, he can be heard regularly on Northland Morning on weekdays, on Soul Village on Friday afternoons, and occasionally hosts Music Through the Day as well.
Chris is a musician, a music historian, and an avid record collector. He has worked as an audio engineer, an arranger, and a record producer. In the mid-1990s Chris was the Music Coordinator for A Prairie Home Companion with Garrison Keillor. He has also worked for BMI, The Lake Superior Chamber Orchestra, and worked behind the scenes for many musicals and concerts in New York City.
It'll happen so quickly, you may need to get binoculars for everybody.
Tom Kasper talks about how the heavy precipitation has affected our gardens
Bob King offers a great smart-phone camera tip for longer nighttime-exposures
Annie Dugan discusses artists who capture the true beauty and danger of the woods.