Throw open the doors and let the sunshine in... and the art, too.
Artist Chani Becker is an independent illustrator and graphic artist who works on surface design. Block prints are used to create repeating patterns that are available as wallpaper. The Forest is Alive is Becker’s latest pattern. “[It’s] what we think of when we think of the forest of the north,” says Annie Dugan. Woodpeckers, moths, and other elements of the natural world often find their way into Becker’s patterns.
“Art Above Ordean Court” will take place this Saturday on the campus of the University of Minnesota Duluth in Bohannon Court from 10am-2pm. Students will be selling artworks in the space. The Tweed will have an opening in tandem with the event. For Dugan, this is an opportunity to see the talent of young artists. “You see the kind of student talent in all mediums of art making,” says Dugan. “Any medium you pick, there are students doing really excellent work.”