The Nordic Center unveils a new exhibit from 7-9pm on Friday, March 17th. The exhibit is titled “Leading with our Hearts” and incorporates Nordic, Sami and Ojibwe designs from nature through a contemporary lens. “These are cultures from different places, but what joins them is this idea that these designs can promote healing,” says Dugan. Wendy Savage is the guest curator of this eclectic, yet very much connected, exhibit.
Local artist David Austin has two exhibitions currently on display. You can see the work of Austin at the Zeitgeist and at Lake Avenue Café. The artist is described as a maximalist; he works with many different materials.
Looking ahead, there are still a few tickets left for the “Quantum Appetizers” event hosted by The Embassy and The Burg on March 24th. Culinary artist Lillian Forte and acoustic artist Tyler Scouton, along with projectionist Daniel Benoit, will present what is described as “a 30-minute guided experience engineered to lift your senses to a place of curiosity and wonder” and “a lighthearted escape into a pleasantly-crafted interdimensional rift.” Macaroni and cheese is on the menu.