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A weekly feature on Northland Morning keeping you up to date on Twin Ports art happenings. Airs Mondays at 8:20. Hosted by Annie Dugan of the Duluth Art Institute.

Where's Art: A Simpler Time, Another Dimension

Dozens of rectangular blocks crammed together in what might be a drawer; each block is embedded with a number, letter, or symbol as to be used for press printing
Bruno Martins [Via Unsplash]

Prefect Duluth Day celebrates nineteen years by "glomming on to" Glensheen's Wednesday night beer garden event. The art calendar and forum has become a reliable hub for conversation and information, and prides itself on being Duluth's "Duluthiest" website.

Thursday night looks to the west. At Warrior Printress, in the Duluth Pottery Building in Lincoln Park, Janelle Miller and Stacie Renne will lead a discussion about letter press technology, its expansion, and its partnership with the growing digital world.

From 6-9pm on Thursday night, the Embassy Invades Wussow's Concert Cafe. The event promises to be a variety show from another dimension with art, music, and more.

Luke Moravec is the host for Northland Morning on The North 103.3. He’s also a local actor, musician and writer. He loves puzzles, riddles and fun mysteries.