Women's Words on July 6, 2014 featured Duluthian Dianna Hunter reading an excerpt from a memoir in progress, a story called "Del Lago," about a farm she worked in the mid-1970s.
Recently retired from coordinating the Women's and Gender Studies program at UW-Superior, Dianna Hunter gardens, catches rainwater, and shovels snow on the Duluth hillside. A former dairy farmer, farmer's advocate, and participant in back-to-the-land, lesbian-feminist farm experiments, she is also the author of a book of oral history accounts of the 1980s farm crisis, Breaking Hard Ground: Stories of the Minnesota Farm Advocates, and of fiction, nonfiction, and journalism published in various national and regional journals.
Women's Words airs Sundays at 1:30pm and 3:30pm. Funding for Women's Words is provided by The Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.