Author Dianna Hunter talks about her first novel "Clouded Waters"
From growing up gay in North Dakota to pursuing her back-to-the-land dreams at the start of the farm crisis, Dianna Hunter looks back on her ups, her…
Women's Words on April 26, 2015 featured Dianna Hunter of Duluth reading from her story, "The Dead Cow and the Great Man" which received an award for…
Women's Words on March 15, 2015 featured Duluthian Dianna Hunter reading, "Why Not Minot?" an excerpt from a memoir in progress.Recently retired from…
Women's Words on March 8, 2015 featured Duluthian Dianna Hunter reading "Horses and Other Embodied Spirits," an excerpt from a memoir in progress.Recently…
Women's Words on July 6, 2014 featured Duluthian Dianna Hunter reading an excerpt from a memoir in progress, a story called "Del Lago," about a farm she…