This week we talk with Adam Kemp of Uff-da Organics, a farm near Wrenshall that specializes in pick-your-own strawberries plus wholesale vegetables and…
We have a conversation with Colleen Landkamer, the USDA Rural Development State Director in Minnesota, about the Socially Disadvantaged Groups Grant…
Women's Words on April 26, 2015 featured Dianna Hunter of Duluth reading from her story, "The Dead Cow and the Great Man" which received an award for…
Women's Words on July 6, 2014 featured Duluthian Dianna Hunter reading an excerpt from a memoir in progress, a story called "Del Lago," about a farm she…
Women's Words on December 8, 2013 featured the third and final episode by Atina Diffley, reading an excerpt from the Chapter "Cold, Hard Water," from her…
Women's Words on December 1, 2013 featured Atina Diffley, reading "My Earliest Memories," and "We Are Still a Farm Family," two excerpts from her book…
Women's Words on November 24, 2013 featured Atina Diffley, reading "This Soil Is Ancient," and "Organic Pest Management," two excerpts from her book Turn…