(This episode originally aired March 31, 2020)Maybe you want to use this time at home to learn a new skill.Maybe you want to use this time at home to…
Sometimes you just can't win.As public health officials watched the COVID-19 pandemic play out on the east and west coasts, they encouraged us here in the…
Museums were already in a time of transition before the coronavirus pandemic shut them down and death of George Floyd brought racism and other "colonial"…
Dr. Richard Buckalew of UMD is a mathematics professor at UMD, so unless you're pretty math-savvy yourself, things can veer off into the weeds pretty…
Looking around, it's hard to know where to start.Worries and fears about physical safety, economic safety - your kids, your parents, your job ...Perhaps…
Maybe you can't hoard eggs. But they're - pardon the expression - flying off store shelves as more and more people are cooking and baking.So even though…
The Duluth Art Institute is announcing Response. a spring 2020 online exhibition presenting work - completed or in progress - that's a response to our…
Zoongide’iwin is the Ojibwe word for courage and this is one of our grandfather teachings. Zoongide’iwin means to do what is right when the consequences…
The news that a pair of cats in New York came down with with COVID-19 and a pug in North Carolina did, too, has animal-lovers worried for the safety of…
People interpret the information about COVID-19 and/or the economy depending on how these things affect them. Is there any way to get close to an…