The Joseph Nease Gallery has just the ticket for a chilly week to come: the live, in-person (but by appointment only) opening of a new exhibition in their gallery, A Warm Reset, featuring Tara Austin, David Bowen, James Brinsfield, Cary Esser, Liz James, Matthew Kluber, Kathy McTavish, Allen Killian-Moore, and Tim White.

Annie Roseen is the director of Duluth's BOLD-choice Theatre Company.
She made another bold choice a year ago when she rolled out of bed, took one look at herself in the mirror and thought, "I look like Gloria Steinem." What followed was a year-long parade of characters on social media, including Jon Snow, Cher, Frances McDormand as Marge Gunderson in Fargo and Harry Houdini.
You can read more about her year-long project here.

And if you remember our conversation from earlier this month about NFTs (non-fungible tokens), you'll be happy to know that not only has Captain Grammar Pants addressed them on Facebook, but local artist Jonathan Thunder has hopped onto Nifty Gateway, too.