Valerie Slocum, Director of Animal Rehabilitation with Wildwoods, talks about when to and when not to intervene with wild animals that might need help
Victoria Hall talks about the Raptor Center and what humans can do to help birds
Many wild animal moms leave their babies alone for lengths of time human moms would never consider.Unlike two-legged mothers who love to show off their…
A couple of sick, skinny peregrine falcons have been brought into Wildwoods Wildlife Rehabilitation recently ... one didn't live to be transported to The…
How could anyone with a heart resist an "abandoned" fawn or a baby bird flopping helplessly on the ground?The compassion isn't the problem at this time of…
A baby bison in Yellowstone was euthanized this week after a visitor to the park thought it had become separated from its mother and put the calf in his…
Duluth artist Karen McTavish is celebrating this Saturday with an open studio in honor of National Quilting Day. Longtime quilter and author, McTavish…
If Laura Erickson has taught us anything over the last almost-thirty years, it's that animals think - and act - like animals, not humans. So when we see…