There's romance in the air if you're a wolf, coyote, fox, or squirrel.If you're a groundhog, you want to be left strictly alone on Tuesday - no…
Next week at this time, we'll be celebrating the longest day of the year with almost 16 hours of light, and the first day of summer.If you want to…
Some people say winter officially starts with the December 21st solstice.The National Weather Service says it's December 1st.Larry Weber says it's when…
Your overnight temps probably depended a lot on your cloud cover, Larry's disgruntled by the lack of snowfall on the ground and in the forecast, but there…
Summer officially arrived Thursday morning at 5:07am.Here in the Northland, the sun came up at 5:14am.Today, it came up at 5:15am.Leave it to Larry Weber…
We've got daylight from 5:15am to 9:00pm this month, and from fireflies to songbirds to butterflies, dragon flies, frogs, wildflowers and trees, Mother…
Larry Weber says, by his reckoning, winter officially started this week.For one thing, the rivers froze.For another, it was -17 yesterday morning.And of…