Tonight's (Wednesday, March 6) performance of Out of Our Minds at Zeitgeist is, quite literally, out of the minds of the domestic violence survivors you…
Men as Peacemakers wants to promote equality, repair harm and prevent violence against women and children.Over 85 volunteers a week spend hundreds of…
Jeremy NeVilles-Sorell says, when it comes to the #metoo hashtag, for Native women it could be #metooX4. Or X6.He knows through his work at Mending the…
As recently as the 1970s, domestic abuse was seen as a private matter between a husband and wife.If the police were called, it wasn't unheard of for them…
You've been locked up for domestic violence.You're released back to your community.How do you become a part of that community again?With people from the…
Very few relationships are violent or abusive from the first date.That's the insidiousness of domestic or dating violence: the gradual eroding of one…
What would it take to make you leave your home with nowhere to go? For many women and families, it would take nothing less than violence.1695 people* were…
We honor Mary Asmus, Assistant City Attorney in the Duluth working for over 30 years as a prosecutor and community advocate, Mary is a leader in the fight…
The videotape of Ray Rice punching his now-wife in the face and knocking her unconscious, the news that Adrian Peterson used a switch on his four year old…
What makes a man batter a woman, and how are we contributing to the spread of domestic violence in the way we raise boys in this society?