In the 1980s, the St. Louis River Estuary was deemed to be a river in dire need of attention and recovery. Over those decades, efforts have been put forth to restore the health of this important natural area.
Fast-forward to today, and many of the items on the to-do list for the area have been crossed off. Tonight, Kris Eilers, the Executive Director for the St. Louis River Alliance, will be presenting about the estuary and its current condition for the River Talks Series.
"Back in the late 80s and early 90s, the estuary looked so bad that they thought they were going to have to clean up all of it," says Eilers. "In the last ten years or so is when the majority of the work has been done." The area is currently on its way to being delisted as an area of concern, but the work isn't done quite yet. "It does take several years to complete these projects."
Eilers' River Talks presentation tonight, titled Restored Connection to a River in Recovery, begins at 6:30pm at the Lake Superior Estuary, 3 Marina Drive in Superior, Wisconsin.
More information about upcoming events in the River Talks Series can be found on the Wisconsin Sea Grant website. Information about the Lake Superior Estuary and the St. Louis River Alliance can also be found online.
You can hear Green Visions at 8:20am every Wednesday on Northland Morning.