In 2008, Peter Edmunds and his wife started Border Partners, a non-profit that aims to help the lives of those living in and around the New Mexico-Mexico border. Originally from the Northland, Edmunds has been finding his way to the American southwest since retiring fifteen years ago.
The efforts of Border Partners are many, but two components of their work that have yielded big impacts include solar heating systems and water filtration. Using the sometimes-overbearing New Mexico sunlight, Border Partners have helped create a water heating system that sends water over a hot roof before directing it into a home for bathing purposes. The result means more hot showers for residents.
The ground water in the area is laden with chemicals not for human consumption without being processed. Partnering with a student, Border Partners has helped create and distribute individual water filtration systems to homes.
These processes are meant to be shared with communities and organizations across the globe. More can be learned at the Border Partners website.