"Wetlands are extremely important for birds," states Tom Prestby, Wisconsin Conservation Manager for Audubon Great Lakes. Although most probably understand that birds need wetlands, some of the many reasons why may go overlooked. Birds use wetlands for breeding, migratory stops, vegetation, cover, and healthy water, and climate change is putting this resource in jeopardy
Prestby is currently focused on the St. Louis River estuary and the wetlands of Allouez Bay. "We're working on restoring the coastal wetland," says Prestby. Eliminating an invasive form of cattail is one of the main points of concentration. "You're never gonna get rid of it, but we want to diversity the structure of [the wetland]... open up some areas in the cattails where these birds can have variety." And Audubon is on the lookout for more areas that need restoration in the future.
If you're interested in learning more, or are looking for ways to get involved, the Christmas Bird Count will return to Duluth this year. You can also visit the Audubon Great Lakes website for events and opportunities. "We also have a really cool new tool called a migratory bird explorer," says Prestby. "And the best way to get involved is to get out and experience some of these awesome areas." Your exploration can help track and count birds to help Audubon Great Lakes better understand the impact of a changing climate and subsequently changing habitats.
Original Broadcast: 11/16/2022
Rebroadcast Date(s): 12/21/2022