Harold Dols has filled many roles during his time with the Lake Superior & Mississippi Railroad. And, after a multi-year hiatus due to the pandemic as well as environmental remediation, he's ready for the rails to reopen at the end of the month.
Dols and other volunteers have made the most of the down time by making improvements. Though the improvements are notable, getting the train running regularly for patrons is the highlight of the summer. "It's an absolutely beautiful ride along the St. Louis River," says Dols. The natural beauty is part of the allure, the history of the line is another large part. "Some of the rails date back to the 1890s."
The Lake Superior & Mississippi Railroad is scheduled to reopen the weekend of July 22nd and continue regular operations thereafter. For tickets and more information, visit the LS&MR website.
You can hear Community Connection every Tuesday and Thursday at 8am on Northland Morning.