The Local Solutions to End Poverty Candidate Forum gives low-income Duluthians a chance to speak directly with candidates for local elected offices, and gives the community can learn how the candidates stand on local efforts to promote fairness and economic stability for all people.
In addition, the folks who address the assembly pose specific questions to the canndidates and ask them to take a specific action if they're elected.
On October 1st, Duluth City Council candidates and community members gathered for the 8th annual Local Solutions to End Poverty Candidate Forum. In attendance were City Council Candidates: District 1 City Council candidate Gary Anderson; District 5 City Council candidate Janet Kennedy; District 3 City Council candidates Roz Randorf and Theresa O'Halloran Johnson; and At-Large City Council candidates Arik Forsman, Noah Hobbs, and Mike Mayou. Also in attendance were Duluth Mayoral candidates Emily Larson and David Nolle.
KUMD's Cameron Olson has the story.