This is Penny. Penny is a female Boxer/ Shepherd mix. She is about 4 yrs old and has been with us since 2015. Penny was brought in as a stray and her owner didn't want her. She is a staff favorite.
Meet Aztec! He is a 10 year old brown tabby cat looking for a loving home!
Blaze is a brindle American Shelter Dog who is 1 years old. He came to us from a previous home and is now looking for his new loving home! Blaze is a friendly and energetic boy who loves playing with rope toys and tennis balls. He can be hesitant around new people, but treats and a game of fetch will quickly win him over. Blaze enjoys playing with other energetic dogs and is said to do well with kids.
Dolce is a brown tabby cat who is 1 year old. He is a domestic medium-haired cat looking for a new home.