The Gentlemen’s Anti-Temperance League, Robb Justice
Swing string quartet, Americana
Wusso’s Concert Café
Costumes encouraged; part of GATL’s fall tour.
All ages.
Friday, October 25 | 7pm | $7
Duluth Fine Pianos with special guest Sam Miltich on guitar, Matt Mobley on bass, and Ryan Frane on piano for a night of jazz, art, and conversation.
All ages.
Friday, October 25 | 6pm | Free
Rick McLean, Cairns, Tang
Rock, dream pop, indie
The Barbershop Tang on tour from Toronto, Cairns on tour from Milwaukee.
All ages.
Friday, October 25 | 7pm
Praire Fyre, Arborous, Razortail
Experimental metal, indie, skate punk
Half-off your first drink when you come in costume; all Duluth-based groups.
All ages.
Friday, October 25 | 9pm | $5
prone, Superior Siren, Nat Harvie*
Hip-hop & electronic, folk, alt rock
prone album release show; rare appearance by Nat Harvie.
All ages.
Blacklist Brewing Co.
Friday, October 25 | 9pm
Leif Hinkel, Stardust Collective, Dog Talk
Singer-songwriter, folk rock, rock
Wussow’s Concert Café
All ages show.
Saturday, October 26 | 7pm | $5
Bill and Kate Isles
Ursa Minor Brewing
Rare performance by the folk singing couple; all ages.
Sunday, October 27 | 1pm