Milo Greene is not a real person (although the band pays tribute to this fictitious band manager for helping them create the band), but definitely a real, up-and-coming band that released their first, self-titled album on July 15th while still staying busy playing shows and preparing for their tour this fall.By Basement DJ: Andrew Leider
Robbie Arnett, Marlana Sheetz, Andrew Heringer, and Graham Fink are all credited for vocalization and frequently trading instruments while the last member Curtis Marrero plays steady on the drums. This group of experimental indie-folk rockers has made an impression thus far, developing from a small college band that has recorded this debut album with Ryan Hadlock of the Lumineers and has even played their single "1957" on David Letterman. But the band still has a long way to go. Though the album has many other great tracks like "Don't Give Up On Me," "Perfectly Aligned," "Silent Way," and the beautiful "Son My Son," the entire album is basically like one large song with its progressions to the next with additional short, artistic "joint-tracks" "Orpheus," "Wooden Antlers," "Moddison," and "Polaroid." The style isn't unique but the way Milo Greene composes it seems almost professional, especially for beginners. In any case, Milo Greene has a lot to show with this self-titled album, and will continue to kick out some good tunes in time.