Lissa Yellowbird-Chase knows first-hand about the violence and danger Native American women face.*
But she knows other things, too. In Canada, a 2016 report found that indigenous women are five times more likely to be victims of homicide than non-indigenous women. But in the United States, says Yellowbird-Chase, there are 1-2% more missing and murdered indigenous men than women.
Which is why the Sahnish Scouts of North Dakota, the non-profit group she founded and named with the Arikara word for “people,” talks about searching for "missing and murdered Indigenous women and relatives."
Lissa Yellowbird-Chase joins us this morning in a wide-ranging conversation about the effects of living in a shame-based society, how being indigenous can make people vulnerable, the importance of non-native allies and how to start caring for one another again.
*"In the United States, violence against indigenous women has reached unprecedented levels on tribal lands and in Alaska Native villages. More than 4 in 5 American Indian and Alaska Native women have experienced violence, and more than 1 in 2 have experienced sexual violence. ... Though available data is limited, the number of missing and murdered American Indian and Alaska Native women and the lack of a diligent and adequate federal response is extremely alarming to indigenous women, tribal governments, and communities. On some reservations, indigenous women are murdered at more than ten times the national average." ~ "Ending Violence Against Native Women," Indian Law Resource Center
More information about Sahnish Scouts of North Dakota is here. You can also email Lissa at or call her at (701) 893-6841.