KUMD celebrates Mental Health Week with a series of interviews called Thinking Outside the Box.There are new treatments for mental illness being developed…
You get a breakup text -- on your phone.Your boss calls you into her office.Your partner says, "I want a divorce."That moment - the moment of crisis or…
The suicide rate for Native kids is twice the rate of that for non-Natives.With that terrifying number, how can tribal people encourage hope and…
Do you have five people you can talk to? Really talk to?How do you find them - as a young person or an adult?And how can you become that person for…
When we heard on Earthwise Radio this week that communing with nature makes us feel better, it probably wasn't a surprise.But the why might surprise you.…
ERs in the Northland are seeing young people coming in who have made, to varying degrees, attempts to take their own lives in the wake of the popular…
The Netflix series 13 Reasons Why. The death of Project Semicolon founder Amy Bluel. The study that discovered that a group of white, middle-aged…