Our kids tend to do what we do. Don’t let smoking be one of them.
"In the four days following his funeral, we were told Frank's spirit would be made whole again. He has taught his lessons and now he goes to join his ancestors and loved ones free of the worldly disadvantages he had here."
I thought about our current political climate. There is no middle ground. Somewhere are the answers we need to move forward as a people and ultimately, as a planet.
How many of us carry or wear things from a loved one who has passed on? I didn’t realize my mother was with me every day when I wore and used that stethoscope.
All our generations exist in us and one day our ancestors will carry us home.
"One of the women at the bar told him, 'You Finlanders don't have the guts to shoot yourselves.' That was the last sentence he heard."
My son sat with my wife next to Ed. Irina stood at the head of the bed next to him.I wanted my son to see how we respect the people who so selflessly…
Someone in recovery gave him a vest and a bustle to wear and he started dancing as a traditional dancer at powwows. “It took me a long time to remember…
She took both of my hands in hers and looked straight into my eyes. I could see the strength and resolve of many hard years looking back at me.?"Young…