I think back to a year ago. There was an entire household with multiple generations living together and they were too sick to come to the clinic for…
Even though Native people have the highest COVID-19 mortality rates nationwide and have seen their mortality rate accelerate the fastest in the past four…
The COVID-19 pandemic has been with us for almost a year. In that year businesses have closed and people have lost jobs. Wearing masks and keeping social…
In years past, folks at the start of the John Beargrease Sled Dog Marathon had to shout to be heard above the baying of the sled dogs.That is, until the…
That means we need to continue to wear masks, keep our social distance, wash our hands frequently, avoid public gatherings and sanitize frequently touched…
Katie Albert is St. Louis County's public health planner overseeing COVID-19 vaccination efforts.She joins us this morning for a wide-ranging conversation…
Dr. Mary Owen talks with KUMD's Lisa Johnson about the first rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine. With a death rate in the native American population that is…
Journey to Wellness: "Protecting living libraries-they are the keepers of our language and our ways"Jodi Archambault admits the numbers could be wrong, because they're changing so quickly in North and South Dakota.But the CDC still estimates Native…
Earlier this month, twelve of the 17-members of the MPCA's Environmental Justice Advisory Group resigned after the agency approved a key water quality…