Duluth Police Chief Mike Tusken joins us in a candid and wide-ranging conversation about policing in these challenging times: the people they want to hire…
Flattening the curve of COVID-19 doesn't mean it's gone away.That's one of several take-aways epidemiologist Dr. Catherine McCarty wants people to…
As one of those kids whose parents moved around a lot, Meg Litts got used to being "other." The new kid. "You're not from here, are you?"Then she…
Sometimes you just can't win.As public health officials watched the COVID-19 pandemic play out on the east and west coasts, they encouraged us here in the…
The COVID-19 pandemic is turning out to be a lot more complicated than we thought.How to stay safe and how to keep other people safe are complicated by…
Dr. Richard Buckalew of UMD is a mathematics professor at UMD, so unless you're pretty math-savvy yourself, things can veer off into the weeds pretty…
In one sense, John Bennett and the others at the University of Minnesota Extension's Center of Community Vitality are doing the same thing they've always…
Neighbors, May 21: "really frightening" - a dramatic spike in calls for help ... and now the silenceQuarantining at home may be one of the most effective ways to stop the spread of COVID-19, but it also means more people are staying home - alone - with…
And when finally the bottom fell outI became withdrawnThe only thing I knew how to doWas to keep on keepin' onLike a bird that flewTangled up in blue…
We've come a long way from the days when Walter Cronkite, the anchorman of the CBS Evening News, was widely hailed as the "most trusted man in…