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Daily interviews with a local focus airing at 8 a.m. Monday through Friday on Northland Morning.

Community Connection: BIPOC Outdoors Twin Ports

"BIPOC OUTDOORS TWIN PORTS" text curved around an illustration of a cross section of a tree trunk, woodland in a washed-out background
BIPOC Outdoors Twin Ports

Originally from California, Sam Armacost was drawn to Minnesota after a Mississippi River Canoe trip with her father. "We had such a special time paddling through Minnesota," says Armacost who ultimately came to a conclusion. "I think I need to move here."

Now a Duluth resident, Armacost is busy leading BIPOC Outdoors Twin Ports, a local organization dedicated to connecting the BIPOC community with the abundance of outdoors in the Northland. Armacost borrowed the model for BIPOC Outdoors Twin Ports from a pre-existing group in the Twin Cities.

"It's usually white folks that you see out in the wilderness," says Armacost who now leads regular outings in the area. "There have been historic barriers... sending this message of where people of color are allowed to be." More than a simple offering to participate, Armacost sees the organization as a way to breakdown misconceptions and the echoes of forgone societal norms. "The point of this group is to create a space where we can just show up as we are... and just sort of be present and really let that experience in."

To connect with the group, find BIPOC Outdoors Twin Ports on Facebook or send an email to bipocoutdoorstp@gmail.com

You can hear Community Connection every Tuesday and Thursday at 8am on Northland Morning. This edition of Community Connection is made possible in part by Lakewalk Surgery Center.

Luke Moravec is the host for Northland Morning on The North 103.3. He’s also a local actor, musician and writer. He loves puzzles, riddles and fun mysteries.
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