Signs of Duluth Farm to School have been visible across the city at green spaces adjacent to schools since 2012. Raised beds for vegetation and education aid in the program's efforts to support healthy eating and to spread knowledge about urban gardening.
Renee Willemson, Coordinator for Duluth Farm to School, keeps busy with the various garden plots and with the application of the program to youth education. "It works best if there's some summer programming," says Willemson who also notes that classroom work prior to the growing season includes planning out the garden. The gardens often tie into after-school programs as well as the education standards at the elementary level up to high school.
The program has continued to grow since its inception, and hopes for continued growth are always in mind. Policy work, transportation challenges, and the desire for a food hub are all being addressed in the efforts to continue the expansion of the program into cafeterias and the greater community.
To learn more about Duluth Farm to School, visit their Facebook page.
You can hear Green Visions at 8:20am every Wednesday on Northland Morning.