Eight to seventy-two. That’s the range of temperatures in the past week in the Northland. “We had jumped from winter to summer,” says Larry Weber of the past week that gave thermometers a workout and included big puddles, potholes, and flood advisories.
This week also brought some “incredible” migration. On West Skyline Road in Duluth, counting raptors has evolved into counting all kinds of birds. Pelican flocks are starting to move into the area as are Great Blue Herons and Sandhill Cranes. And the bird migration doesn’t stop there. Weber sat in his yard earlier this warm week and spotted well over a dozen different species.
Weber also spotted a bear. A chipmunk and a bat were also some firsts of the season. Moths and dragonflies are starting to crop up in small numbers. “There’s another one to be on the lookout for,” says Weber. “And that’s bumblebees.” When the weather warms, you'll start to see bees flying low to the ground.
If the warmer weather persists, the amount of wildlife to spot will only keep growing. "We're going to see a lot more changes," says Weber. "It's going to be a great experience."