With the chill of the season upon us and the light of day dwindling, folks in the Northland are spending more time indoors. Plants in the garden have shriveled, leaves have fallen, and most signs of the color green have begun a rapid retreat. It's a time of year when we get far less fresh air and, perhaps, see fewer loved ones.
And plants can help.
Houseplants become a more important element to a healthy home especially during this time of year. "There's a really kind of crazy phenomenon going on in gardening," says Tom Kasper. "There's... this massive growth in gardening... indoor(s)." And houseplants are a good place to start.
When it comes to caring for plants, talking can go a long way. "Back in the 70s there was a lot of interest in houseplants... and there was a movement to talk to your plants," says Kasper. And this is scientifically beneficial. "As we breathe in and out, we're emitting CO2... [Houseplants] are filtering, cleaning that air, emitting pure oxygen."
So, talk to your plants. You've got a friend and a filter to help keep you healthy.