For the past 28 autumns, the Duluth Parks Department has asked citizens to drop off their bagged leaves at the Rose Garden. And the fact of the matter is... “We need more leaves,” says Bob Dunsmore with the City of Duluth Parks Department.
The leaf pile, that has become a staple each fall in the corner of the Rose Garden parking lot, was set ablaze last weekend. "The leaf pile that had accumulated already was on fire," says Dunsmore. "It's unfortunate... we use the bagged leaves... to cover the [rose] beds and insulate them through the winter season." In the spring, the leaves are composted.
With less than a week before the winterizing process begins, the Parks Department is asking the community to bring bags to the Rose Garden parking lot by next Tuesday, November 8th. “Our goal is to start hauling the leaves mid-week next week," says Dunsmore. "It's a little tough to gauge exactly how many bags we need... we just really need some bagged leaves."