Paul Douglas is a nationally recognized meteorologist, entrepreneur and author based in the Twin Cities who has made regular appearances on television, radio, and print media, including many years as an on-air meteorologist. During his career he has had a front row seat to witnessing major weather events and noting how their expected patterns have shifted over the years. He became a grandfather in 2020, and that moment for him served as "a reminder… that I have a duty and an obligation to speak op for future generations."
Douglas's new book is A Kid's Guide to Saving the Planet: It's not Hopeless and We're Not Helpless, published in 2022 by Beaming Books. Along with illustrations by Chelen Ecilja, his book is a message to kids that there is still plenty that everyone – including the young – can do to "create a cleaner, more sustainable world."
The book provides examples of work people have already been doing, including what young people themselves are contributing to address environmental problems around the globe. Douglas writes about things kids can do now and looks toward future possibilities that the young may consider as they become adults, including climate-focused careers.
Paul Douglas is also the author of Restless Skies: The Ultimate Weather Guide, and the coauthor of Caring for Creation: The Evangelical's Guide to Climate Change and a Healthy Environment.