For Felix Aguilar Tomlinson, the origin story begins with the title-character role in his first-grade production of The King and the Turnip. Years later, Felix gravitated to the world of opera performance. This weekend (November 1st and 3rd), he will be performing on the Depot stage in Duluth for the Lyric Opera of the North's presentation of "The Empresario" and "Circe on Superior." Tickets and more information can be found on the LOON website.
Felix's musical interests go well beyond opera, and dive back to years before he was born. His first album was a hard rock hit from the late 70s, he was the youngest attendee at his first live concert which featured a band that was big in the late 60s, and his guilty pleasure song is a classic from 1982 - one that always shows up on his workout playlist. "It's the perfect running song... it's hard not to just full-send for the rest of the song."
Back Tracks receives support from Minnesota Power Employees Credit Union. You can hear Back Tracks every Friday at 8am on Northland Morning.