"There is a great representation of artists from our community," says Annie Dugan of the artwork on display at the Fine Arts building at the 2024 Minnesota State Fair.
One of the returning art attractions involves having one artist per day create art for a 12-hour stretch of time, thus allowing for patrons to see an artist's process in action. On September 2nd, area artist Lisa Stauffer will spend the last day of the fair creating her work with pastels.
There are a wide variety and a great number of artists from the Northland community who will have their work represented at the Minnesota State Fair this year. For a complete list of artists at the fair, visit the Minnesota State Fair website.
Dugan is also a proponent of supporting the young creators who will have work at the fair, in both the 2-D variety and beyond. "You can even catch one of the shows that the 4-H kids put on."
You can hear Where's Art every Monday morning at 8:20 on Northland Morning.