Whether or not you’re a believer, the topic of sasquatch is deeper than it might first appear. The concept crosses cultures and offers plenty of questions about human psychology.
Mike Pederson is an amateur student on the subject of sasquatch. Though not a believer in the creature, Pederson is drawn to the culture and community that surrounds the cryptid. "Sometimes when you listen to people telling their firsthand stories [of sasquatch sightings] you're like, this person genuinely believes that they have seen this," says Pederson. "I think that's really compelling, and I think that says something about our psyche."
With the boom of technology expanding ways to document experiences and sightings (cell phones, trail cams, drones, etc.) the evidence against the existence of sasquatch is mounting, but that doesn't sway everyone. And for Pederson, this is part of the continued appeal. "When you hear someone who's absolutely convinced that they've seen something, that's really cool."