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A weekly feature on Northland Morning keeping you up to date on Twin Ports art happenings. Airs Mondays at 8:20. Hosted by Annie Dugan of the Duluth Art Institute.

Where's Art? with -- (newlywed!) Moira Villiard!

Detail of Chief Buffalo Mural Project
Moira Villiard
Detail of Chief Buffalo Mural Project

When folks start talking about job creation, they should be talking to Moira Villiard

But I am running on fumes with the project a lot of the time😵😵😵 So many components and then there's a research element to it also. In the future for bigger projects like this, I'll know to hire a designated historian/researcher, a designated PR person, multiple artists (and connect sooner), figure out lodging for involved parties as needed (logistics person), site cleanup and detail workers, writers who can propose future components of the project in real time, setup a PO box to receive supply shipments, storage for supplies, hire event coordinators and educators, people who can go to city meetings, do site prep, power washers, do site assessments and renderings, people who can do outreach and fundraising to sponsors, documentarians, grant writers, and maybe an overall communication/reminder person who can keep stuff on track. ... This mural project could be its own nonprofit, lol!
- Moira Villiard on Facebook

Moira Villiard's public art project, the Chief Buffalo Mural Project, is generating a lot of work. And the artist, who came up with the idea, is wishing she'd generated just a little more money up front to pay all the different people it takes to create a project like this.

Villiard recently outlined on social media what it takes to make a project like this happen: grant writers, grant readers, logistics experts, researchers, PR people, event coordinators and more.

And with that in mind, Villiard thinks there could absolutely be a place in city goverment for a Public Art Project Manager position.

Lisa Johnson has been a broadcast journalist for 41 years ... and a radio announcer for a teensy bit longer.
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