It seemed unfair to have a poetry series celebrating poets who represent home to people who aren't "from here" originally and exclude Canadians. So environmental and social justice advocate Jamie Harvie was pressed into double duty this morning.
First he shared a poem by Ingrid Ruthig, called Pangnirtung Arrivals and included in a collection called This Being. You can read selected works from that collection at the website referenced in the link.
He also recommended poet Claire Caldwell. To learn more about her poetry and her books, including Invasive Species, you can visit her web site.
Then he got down to the business of Climate Emergency Poetry, the brainchild of John Herold and Phil Fitzpatrick. It's a poetry series of Minnesota and local "poets reading works crafted to inform, inspire, enlighten, and educate audiences about the ongoing climate crisis."
The next event is April 18 via Zoom at 3:00pm (it's on the event page but here if you need it), and Jamie Harvie will be a special guest. Keep tabs on their Facebook page for upcoming events; the monthly series hopes to move outside as soon as weather permits.