The Duluth Art Institute holds a reception for three shows tomorrow (Tuesday, June 4):
Alllen Killian-Moore: I Am What's Wrong With The World Alllen Killian-Moore: I Am What's Wrong With The World AllenAllen Killian-Moore's I Am What's Wrong With The World
Popular Opinions: A Cultural Discussion
It's the first first curated exhibition by interns at the Duluth Art Institute.
Rachel Feigal, Megan Finegan, Chieze Kaip, and Sierra Lundmark developed the project from beginning to end.
Susanna Gaunt, Russell Prather, Natalie Salminen Rude, Juliane Shibata: Strata
On Thursday (June 6), Karin Kraemer pairs pottery with watercolor in COLOR, Paintings of the Lake Superior Watercolor Society at Duluth Pottery.
And in case you heard the laughing at the top of the show about people having fun with public art, here's a article sure to make you smile:
200 Times People Took Posing With Sculptures To Another Level
Alllen Killian-Moore: I Am What's Wrong With The World