Jeremy NeVilles-Sorell just wishes he'd gotten started ten years ago.
Mending the Sacred Hoop's training and resource director is celebrating 25 years with the organization, long enough to see societal thought about violence against women begin to shift in some significant directions.
He just wishes that a decade ago, when he and a group of about forty Native men from all around the country were sitting at the same table, they'd been able to get what is now the National Native Coalition of Men's Programs off the ground. If they had, he says, they'd be poised now to take advantage of some of these societal changes.
More information about Wica Agli can be found here. It's a program to reclaim and using traditional teachings to heal the Lakota community one man at a time.
Mending the Sacred Hoop has a number of manuals and resources dealing with domestic violence, coordinated response, and developing programs and interventions for men who batter available here.