If you are a Minnesota artist you have likely heard of mnartists.org, a long running local arts project of the Walker Arts Center. Mn Artists is an online community that spills over into the gallery. With the goal for artists to reach larger and more distant audiences, the online community not only offers web space to artists to share their work and profile, but works to connect artists, to inspire collaboration and to propel local art into the regional and national scene. The site shares a full calendar of local events plus "calls for artists" and opportunities in every corner of the country.
Through events, thoughtful journalism and real person to person connections, Mn Artists is a resource for artists, gallery owners, museums, curators, professors, art fairs, media and much more. This week Emily Gastineau Mn Artists Program Manager joins Radio Gallery to share more about opportunities for artists with Mn Artists.
If you are an artist who has not joined Mn Aritsts or if you have not accessed your profile recently, join, update or migrate your site to the new platform here.