Women's Words on March 17, 2013 featured Ruth Schmidt-Baeumler reading five short poems: "Big Red," "Catch and Release," "Stop and Listen," "Shirts," and "Without Walls."
Women's Words: March 17, 2013: Ruth Schmidt-Baeumler
After spending over 30 years in Germany, Ruth and her husband built a house in 2004 at Castle Danger next to the old cabin. She started writing poetry in 2008 after a spontaneous combustion caused by something a friend wrote her. She has since won awards nationwide. Her poems are published in The Moccasin, The Talking Stick, Vol. 20, Gifts of the Great Spirit, Vol. II, and Midwest Prairie Review, 2013. She belongs to the League of Minnesota Poets, National Federation of State Poetry Societies and Lake Superior Writers.
Ruth is currently a senior at UMD finishing her B.A. degree in German with a minor in Women's Studies. She is also a fiber artist in quilts, spinning, weaving and wool dyeing.
Women's Words airs Sundays at 1:30pm and 3:30pm. Funding for Women's Words is provided by The Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.