Women's Words on January 6, 2013 featured Jill Hinners of Duluth reading two poems, "Interrupted" and "Outliving."
Women's Words: January 6, 2013: Jill Hinners
Poet Jill Hinners lives with her family in Duluth. Some of her first poems were Robert Service style ballads she wrote while attending grade school in Connecticut. Since then, her work has been published in Sheila Packa's anthology Migrations, the literary journal "Dust and Fire," The Des Moines Register, and the Iowa Poetry Association's "Lyrical Iowa." She has helped facilitate a Lake Superior Writers monthly writers group for the past ten years and also serves on the Duluth Poet Laureate Committee. She is employed as a Volunteer Coordinator for CASDA: The Center Against Sexual and Domestic Abuse in Superior.
Women's Words airs Sundays at 1:30pm and 3:30pm. Funding for Women's Words is provided by The Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.